Indosole would like to take a moment to wish all the incredible fathers out there across the world a happy fathers day. Not all heroes wear capes and fathers, grandfathers, father figures are those heroes. In light of fathers days we took the time to ask our indosole fathers some personal questions about fatherhood and what that means to them.

Name: Rizal "Ijal" Alvrianza
Region: Denpasar, Indonesia
Role: Graphic Artist/Illustrator
Kids names and their ages : Mischa Azalea Alfriansyah (8), Maola Agasthya Alfriansyah (6), Moana Almaeera Alfriansyah (4)
What has been your proudest moment as a Dad so far?
There are so many.. from the time they are being born, to the first time I get a look at their face, to when they smile at me. But the proudest moment so far is when I'm get back home from work, and then they run to me and shout at me "Ayah!" (Dad). Sometimes I'll bring them bunch of snacks and their face more happy then before. I'll let them to kiss me first one by one before give them snacks.
What is the hardest part of balancing your professional life while being a Dad?
For me, it was finding the balance of doing the right amount of guidance for my children. Do too little, they think you don’t care. Do too much and you spoil them and they never learn adversity.
Every child is different and I made my fair share of mistakes. But I also taught them to love and forgive. This comes in handy when they’re adults and you need love and forgiveness from them.
How has sustainability or responsible/conscious living played into your Parenting style?
I always buy clothes for my kid that almost 80% came from thrift shops. I'll try to save money and make life more sustainable is to not buy all my kids clothes new. The other thing is I teach them about environmental to clean up after meals and throw garbage in its place, because sometimes kid doesn't care about the trash. When we go to picnic, before leaving I pointed out a list of everything I need (including a trash bag). As to the picnic spot, I can spend some time looking at the pulse and identify the nearest trash can and reminds them to throw the garbage on it.
What do you wish your child to aspire to as he/she grows up?
I'll let my kid do whatever they wants and I still have to be very communicative with my kid so it doesn't get the feeling that me uninterested. I'll tell them about my intentions why I choose to give them a lot of freedom of action. As long as good for them, I will always fully support. Don’t miss out on being there for them when they needs you if you choose this parenting type. In my opinion the best parenting type is a balanced one. Not too strict but also not too relaxed.
Name: Byron Seegers
Region: Pacific Northwest and Western Canada
Role: Sales Rep
Kids names and their ages: Mikaela 25, Anya, 20, James 8
What has been your proudest moment as a Dad so far?
I'd say the thing that has made me happiest as a Dad has been to see my daughters Anya and Mikaela really embrace and love their adopted brother James. I think it's tough for kids to accept big change and I'm proud of my girls for how they have welcomed James with open arms and hearts.
What is the hardest part of balancing your professional life while being a Dad?
The toughest thing has always been traveling a lot for work. These days there is a bit of a bonus though as my work now takes me to Los Angeles fairly often and I get to see my daughters when I'm there. Plus James loves adventures and sometimes I get to bring him along for the ride!
How has sustainability or responsible/conscious living played into your Parenting style?
Really just trying to lead by example and encourage my kids to embrace mindful practices and consumer habits. Sharing the outdoors and nature with my kids has been a big emphasis and I hope to nurture their own love of nature and sense of environmental responsibility.
What do you wish your child to aspire to as he/she grows up?
More than anything I hope that my kids are happy and grow up with a clear sense of who they are and what is important to them.

Name: Wim Verkade
Region: Europe
Role: Sales manager Europe
Kids names and their ages: Fardau 5 yr, Melle 3 yr, Julie 0 yr
What has been your proudest moment as a Dad so far?
I’m so thankful that we are having three kids and that they are happy and healthy! Proud is not the good word, it’s more than that! Thankful that when I’m coming home and they are yelling PAPAAA!!! And when our youngest daughter Julie see my face she starts smiling directly!
What is the hardest part of balancing your professional life while being a Dad?
You want to be a good colleague and a strong chain in the company but also in my role as father and husband. It works much better if you share all pendings issues also at home so they know where I am with my mind or phone sometimes. And when I have to travel I always keep the focus on when I’m coming back and not that I’m leaving!
How has sustainability or responsible/conscious living played into your Parenting style?
We make our kids aware that plastic is not good for our nature so they are picking constantly plastic waste on the streets. And wasting food is a sin in our eyes, so if they have enough and there are still some left overs we bring it to the garden for the birds or Noony, our 6 years old rabbit!
What do you wish your child to aspire to as he/she grows up?
Take care of anyone as you care yourself! This should be the main goal in life and taking care of the planet is equal on this!
Name: NIck Riley
Region: Aus/NZ
Role: Director/Dad
Kids name and their age:
Ra Mini Riley currently 3.5 years young.
What has been your proudest moment as a Dad so far?
Bringing up our beautiful daughter in a way that she is comfortable within her own skin. She has a soft nature and hell of a lot of love to give. That always makes me smile and tells me i'm doing something right.
What is the hardest part of balancing your professional life while being a Dad?
Just the constant juggling act of work and play. My kid is everything and usually gets the nod ahead of work. She makes all aspects of life fun so it's an easy decision.
How has sustainability or responsible/conscious living played into your Parenting style?
Its definitely opened my mind up to providing the best future possible for our kids. I think it's an easy thing to say and understand without them, but once you have your own child, it quickly becomes an absolute necessity.
What do you wish your child to aspire to as he/she grows up?
I have no agenda or aspirations for her. I just want her to be the happiest person she can be. Comfortable within her own skin and have the feeling of love and support no matter what her decisions are. The worlds her oyster and I can't wait to see what that involves.

Name: Komang Armawan
Region: Bali
Role: Warehouse Manager
Kids names and their ages:
1. Surya Nata - 13 y
2. Bulan Dharma Putri - 11 y
3. Bintang Narottama - 7 y
4. Bumi Maha Dharma - 5 y
5. Cahaya Gayatri - 6 mth
What has been your proudest moment as a Dad so far?
When I have made my children safe and protected, and also seen a smile on their face.
What is the hardest part of balancing your professional life while being a Dad?
It’s stressful being responsible for shopping at the early traditional market to buy some food for breakfast and lunch, driving up kids to the school and picking them back home after work. leaving work with lots of unfinished business in mind, people trying to talk when they can see me heading out. on a busy hour finding a kid getting sick and the mom has to care for other kids.
How has sustainability or responsible/conscious living played into your Parenting style?
Planning your day before it happens, and making sure that you are prepared, can really cut down on your stress levels. Children have non-negotiable priorities.
What do you wish your child to aspire to as he/she grows up?
Being healthy and happy, having the skill and confidence to explore and venture out into the world to play and learn to achieve success in their life.
We want to say a big thank you to all the fathers around the world who are raising change makers and to the fathers of indosole who are always driving indosole to be it’s best. Being a parent is one of the most important roles anyone can have and we really appreciate all
fathers and mothers doing this job.
Driving change with each generation