IndoSole featured guest @
We get really stoked when unknown individuals reach out to us. After routinely blasting through the morning mailbox a few weeks ago, I came across an email from a kool kat by the name of Sam Bruce. He went on to introduce himself along with Much Better Adventures, the online community he founded a couple years ago. Through his supportive words, I could feel his encouragement for IndoSole to keep pursuing its mission. He wanted us to somehow get involved with his community of awesomeness and after acknowledging their commitment for travelers to have an interactive, local perspective to new destinations, my cards were all in. Please check their site out ( and scan through their integrative pages....some great material no joke.

Since San Francisco is my home for the autumn months, I thought maybe it would be a swell idea to write a travel guide to the world's most progressive city. There was one parameter that Mr. Bruce through out at me. He told me that there needed to be focused outdoor activity included in the city guide. Well....wasn't a tough decision. click on link to read : {TRAVEL GUIDE to SAN FRANCISCO}. IndoSole definitely plans on contributing more material for Much Better Adventures so stay tuned.
We get really stoked when unknown individuals reach out to us. After routinely blasting through the morning mailbox a few weeks ago, I came across an email from a kool kat by the name of Sam Bruce. He went on to introduce himself along with Much Better Adventures, the online community he founded a couple years ago. Through his supportive words, I could feel his encouragement for IndoSole to keep pursuing its mission. He wanted us to somehow get involved with his community of awesomeness and after acknowledging their commitment for travelers to have an interactive, local perspective to new destinations, my cards were all in. Please check their site out ( and scan through their integrative pages....some great material no joke.

Since San Francisco is my home for the autumn months, I thought maybe it would be a swell idea to write a travel guide to the world's most progressive city. There was one parameter that Mr. Bruce through out at me. He told me that there needed to be focused outdoor activity included in the city guide. Well....wasn't a tough decision. click on link to read : {TRAVEL GUIDE to SAN FRANCISCO}. IndoSole definitely plans on contributing more material for Much Better Adventures so stay tuned.