Indosole Blog & News


The Most Fearless

A few weeks ago, our friends Heather Kessinger and Good human Jaimal Yogis dropped by the Church of Surf to show us the new trailer to their film “The Most Fearless”. Their documentary takes place in the impoverished country of Bangladesh, and stars 16 year old Nasima who in order to escape a life a poverty, turns to surfing. Her goal is to become the best surfer ever in a conservative country where women don't even swim in public. Nasima, and all the other girls in the film were so inspiring and amazing to watch in these few clips. We appreciated and valued everything Jaimal and Heather were showing us, so they left with a box of multiple pairs of shoes for the girls to wear. Heather then sent us some photos and reported back that the girls were skating and running in our shoes! View the trailer here: The Most Fearless (short trailer) from Heather Kessinger on Vimeo.

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