Indosole Blog & News

The 2nd Annual Community Assist 3-On-3 Charity Basketball Tournament
28 teams, 36 matches, over 1,000 balls sunk & two winners; welcome to the 2nd Annual Community Assist 3-On-3 Charity Basketball Tournament presented by Indosole, raising funds for Pulau Plastik for a sustainable, plastic-free Bali.

Indosole & The Slow present Reverberation Radio May 27th
The Slow and Indosole are teaming up for a family affair on the 27th of May together with the boys of Reverberation Radio, joining us all the way from LA to play an all vinyl set! After their stop at Coachella and backing up Beck, they’re on their first Asia tour and are hitting up Canggu in Bali for a quick stint at The Slow.
Indosole presents: “The Essentials”On this night we are proud to launch our new handcrafted line called “ The Essentials” which is the first of it’s kind - sustainable, all natural rubber footbeds produced here in Indonesia with our signature tire soles and in a full range of kolours representing elements we want to protect.
Reverberation Radio Formed by Los Angeles band Allah-Las and friends, Reverberation Radio has grown into a much-loved online institution. Their weekly podcast serves up an illuminative, heart-warming and enchanting selection of lost-gem tracks. They encourage listeners to discover new artists and expand their understanding of how music from each decade is intertwined, revolving, and relative.
The SlowThe Slow is a multifaceted island stay, incorporating boutique accommodation, all-day dining and specialty signature batched drinks, art, local, culture, and interactive retail, this all set on the coast of Canggu, Bali. A stay at The Slow is an immersive experience. Designed and curated by George Gorrow, the eclectic space gravitates around Gorrow’s personal art collection. The restaurant Eat & Drink by chef Shannon Moran is already listed as one of Bali's top 10 restaurants.
We are stoked to celebrate this night with our closest of Bali friends, the ones who make it happen here, the ones we love and the ones we love to have a good time with. RSVP here! Free house pour wine and beer from 7-8pm and 2 for 1 Sid’s boozy infusions from 8-9pm and nothing but good times.
Reverberation RadioWEBSITE:
Our Comfy Biku Sandals!
The Biku sandal in Black Palm print was recently included in Bead & Reel’s ‘Head-To-Toe Ethical Makeover.’ In their words: “This comfortable, handmade sandal combines organic, vegan, and up-cycling all together while remaining stylish. She can wear these all day whether chasing after her toddler or relaxing on the beach and not have to worry about unhappy feet.” We couldn’t agree more. Thanks for including us, Bead & Reel! Read more about the makeover here!
Social Change Nation
A few months ago we were contacted by Joshua Shuckman, who runs "Social Change Nation" - a site and podcast dedicated to promoting cause minded organizations and businesses. We finally got Kyle Parsons, Indosole's founder and president, on the phone to do an episode of Social Change Nation and the results were pretty awesome. So if you want to hear how it all got started, the ups and downs of running a socially conscious business, and everything in between go ahead and listen to part 1 of Kyle's interview here: If you need it on the go, Social Change Nation is also available for download on Itunes:
Indosole x SurfAid
We are proud to announce a partnership with SurfAid Organization during this holiday season. Together, our goal is to promote the well-being and general health of women and children in Southeast Asia and beyond. Similar to Indosole, SurfAid began with a trip to Indonesia where the founder - Dr. Dave Jenkins was impacted by seeing women and children dying of malaria, malnutrition, and inadequate living standards. Dr. Dave decided to do what he could to stop the suffering. Now, SurfAid runs programs for Water & Sanitation, Malaria, Nutrition, and with community health centers. Read more here: Indosole will do its part by offering a special deal on our popular Tan Burlap sandals and donate 15% of web sales back to SurfAid.
Meet some of the Indo family...
It’s time to get personal! As we know, Indosole would be nothing without our super hard-working team over in Bali so we thought we’d share a little about two of our ‘Indo-Family’. Meet Komang, our factory Manager from Denpasar, Bali. Komang is 28 years old and has already been making shoes for 10 years – 5 of those for Indosole! Komang is the brains of the Bali operation and we are so glad to have her on our team! Komang likes to rock her favorite pair of black Kelapa’s each day when coming to work at the Indosole factory and who can blame her? They look great! Thanks Komang!! Meet Dodi... He is our upper construction worker who has been part of the Indosole team for 3 years and already a household name around the Bali factory. Dodi is originally from the city of Surabaya on the island of Java and is married with a one-year-old baby. His favorite shoe is the black Prahu so enjoys being able to make them too! Komang and Dodi are what we simply call “Great Humans” and want to thank them for all the hard work they put in to make the Indosole dream a reality. With Komang, Dodi and the rest of the crew in Bali by our side we are well on our way to saving 1 Million waste tires in Indonesia and making what we call “Soles with Soul!”
Postcard from the Amazon
Dear Indosole, I am writing to you from the Amazon. Its been a crazy trip to get here, Bali-Kuala-Paris-Madrid-Rio-Saopaolo-Belem and finally Macapa where the journey continues by boat. It took me almost 4 days of traveling by plane, bus, taxi, and boat to get to the opening of the amazon river where the Famous Pororoca tidal bore starts. Apart from all the traveling, the trip is exactly how i like them: lost in the middle of nowhere, with a hammock as a bed, surrounded by the craziest wildlife, and going to surf the most original type of wave. We surfed every day but unfortunately the wave didn't come as big as we hoped. Luckily the Ocean Nomads team and I managed to film every spectacular moment of this crazy adventure. On the 3rd day of surfing i got ripped out of the boat by the leash and board of another surfer that lost balance and fell off while passing the wave. The impact was huge i thought i was dead and then that the fins cut my head really bad, but by luck i just got bruised up pretty bad. Thinking i survived a traumatic incident a few minutes later i found out that Ugo the co-host of the show got crushed by a jet ski and was badly injured. So we rushed back to the boat to find him almost paralyzed thinking he broke his back or hip. He left instantly to the nearest hospital that sent him back to Macapa to get X-rays. I stayed back with the film crew for the last day of surf because there was no boats to bring us back with him. With no news hoping for the best we met him back at the hotel in Macapa where we found him better but still limping. I guess all this is part of the adventure. I am on my way to Rio now with a 2m swell coming this week-end so i will send you another post card soon
.Stay stoked. Aloha, Teiki
Classic OB Gallery - Mollusk Surf Shop
To all those wave sliders in the Bay Area:
Our good mates at Mollusk Surf Shop are showcasing a phenomenal gallery of classic Ocean Beach prints. It's definitely worth your time if you appreciate San Francisco's surf scene in the 60s and early 70s. Mollusk Surf Shop is located on Irving / 46th Ave. The picture below is a Seal Rock throw back.