Aicacia Young

Aicacia Young

Aicacia Young
Shoe size - 8

Dustin Thomas Reading Aicacia Young 4 minutes Next Vanis Buckholz







Mint Pantai/Beach Shoe



Austin, TX



Nutritionist and Rock Climber






Where are you from / What's your story?

I grew up in Austin, Texas, and studied Nutritional Sciences at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge. I am currently studying for my exam to become a Registered Dietitian in the state of Texas. I fell in love with rock climbing during my time at LSU, which is somewhat ironic because there are no rock formations in the entire state of Louisiana, but I learned to climb in our tiny climbing gym at the rec. I’ve been climbing indoors and outdoors ever since, meeting amazing people and enjoying beautiful scenery along the way. It was through rock climbing that I eventually discovered Indosole.

What do you do?

I am an amateur rock climber and a nutrition professional.

Favorite place to travel to?

My favorite places that I have visited more than once would have to be either California or Colorado. My all-time favorite place that I have traveled thus far is definitely Italy.

How have you impacted the community/environment or thoughts on how to.

I currently work as a Brand Ambassador for a car-sharing service called Zipcar. The mission is to get vehicles off the road to reduce pollution, improve traffic, and save the environment in as many major cities as possible. When our services align with members’ needs, I feel like I am giving back to both my community and the environment.

Additionally, Austin recently went bag-less and stopped carrying plastic bags in major grocery stores. As I continue to educate myself on composting, recycling, and repurposing materials, I feel that I am better equipped to have a positive impact on the environment. I try to support local Austin businesses by shopping at Farmer’s Markets for organic produce, handmade soaps and lotions, and handmade jewelry.

Who is someone you look up to?

I think the person who inspires me the most is an Austrian rock climber, named Anna Stöhr. She is a double World Champion, European Champion, and has won the overall World Cup in Bouldering three times. Though I’ve never met her, she seems to carry herself with so much grace, humility, and confidence. In competitions, she appears so down-to-earth, calm and collected – almost unshaken by any negative turn of events. She doesn’t seem to worry about her appearance at competitions, but concentrates solely on the climbing. Coincidentally, she is naturally gorgeous, and seems very confident in who she is. I admire just about everything about her, and while I don’t want to lose my identity aspiring to be someone else, Anna definitely inspires me to be authentic, graceful, humble, confident, and strong.

What are your plans in the next couple years/ near future?

I would like to build my own private practice providing nutrition consultations within the community. I would also love to continue writing, rock climbing, traveling, and perhaps pursue my passion for photography.

Any sponsors or things to plug?

I would like to thank all of my sponsors for everything they have done for me. I would not be where I am today without them. Much thanks to Verve Climbing, Five Ten, ClimbTech Gear, Harvest Blue, TrueBar, Bearded Brothers, and of course Indosole :)

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