Happy Independence Day Indonesia!
August 17 1945 is a day in history when all Indonesian nationals were able to unite under one unified flag for the first time. Indonesians endured much strife right up to their day of liberation from Dutch rule so we're showing some respect and love to the ancestors within our Indo family. IndoSole's handy man, Jeremy Urone, is whipping up a mean pot of soto ayam along with his classic Nasi campur to celebrate the day so either get crafty in da kitchen or get some grinds at your local Indo joint.
The Raising of the Flag
Proclamation of Independence from the 1st President, Sukarno

August 17 1945 is a day in history when all Indonesian nationals were able to unite under one unified flag for the first time. Indonesians endured much strife right up to their day of liberation from Dutch rule so we're showing some respect and love to the ancestors within our Indo family. IndoSole's handy man, Jeremy Urone, is whipping up a mean pot of soto ayam along with his classic Nasi campur to celebrate the day so either get crafty in da kitchen or get some grinds at your local Indo joint.
The Raising of the Flag

Proclamation of Independence from the 1st President, Sukarno