Each color represents an element that we aim to protect

Each color represents an element that we aim to protect

The world's most ECOnomical flip flop has arrived! Reading Each color represents an element that we aim to protect 3 minutes Next Eco Friendly and Affordable: It’s Happening

The Indosole journey has taught us a lot. At the beginning, we did not know how to make sandals, we've slowly learned how to do that and are still learning more every day.

Next, the pollution problem that faces the country of Indonesia is one that fascinates us on all levels. This issue effects the health of humans, animals, and earth but also within our supply chain. As we dug deeper into our business we discovered just how toxic the manufacturing industry in Asia is and how we can help. Overall, the harms of humankind can be felt in all areas and its up to all of us to conserve and protect the things that keep us all active and smiling. 

We focused in on some popular pollution points that are negatively effecting Indonesia right now and how they relate to our lives and happiness:

Tires: We wanted to learn more about the effects of waste tires on our environment and this enlightened us to the real problems that tires cause for the land. For example: When they are burned, oils will leach out into the air and soak into the ground. Very toxic!

Plastics: Clearly one of the biggest issues facing our environment, animals, and land. Water bottles, bags, snack wrappers, and toys. Clogging up our oceans and waterways

Palm Oil and Deforestation: Causing massive destruction and pushing animals out of their homes and into extinction. Harming our food supplies and the farming industry. 

Destructive mining practices: Intensive mining for coal has led to the pollution of rivers and rice paddies which works its way into our food supply and thus our blood streams. 

The list goes on and on and we are all constantly overloaded with statistics and negative vibes regarding pollution. So, with our new line: The ESSNTLS, our goal is to break it down in simpler and digestible terms by looking at our earth through another lens and as guardians. We wrote down a list of the natural elements that give us pleasure and how we can advocate for their protection through our brand and products.

In the end, we have 5 new colors representing these natural elements and we hope you will join us in the protection of them for years to come and will be reminded of your contribution with every step you take in your new ESSNTLS. 

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