Indosole Blog & News

Flip flops
Inspiring the Next Generation
The youth are the future, or so it’s often been said.
In these times of youth climate marches and environmental role models still in their teens, any youngster growing up today might feel as if it’s upon their still underdeveloped shoulders that the weight of the world rests.
Yet while their shouts reverberate across the seas from U.N. Summit halls and political podiums, the kids’ message is one of positivity, hope, and strength. As parents and peers, it is our prerogative to nurture, inspire and empower these young activists to rise to the challenge.
This perspective of hope and positivity weaves its way throughout Indosole’s mission. By finding better, less impactful materials, repurposing yesterday’s waste into the resources of tomorrow and continually analyzing our path, we also hope to inspire in all we do. Our footwear is handcrafted using bespoke, low-impact manufacturing processes and to the highest standards. Waterproof, secure, highly durable and comfortable, this allows your little tribe to explore the world in the best way possible: completely immersed in every experience, climbing, playing, running, from sea and sand to suburb and city.
Viewing the world when you’re three feet tall, it is filled with the wonders of the unknown, a kaleidoscope of experiences unfurling before innocent eyes. It’s important as educators to proffer our knowledge, but it is equally as important to encourage the chasing of dreams.
We believe that some of our biggest challenges hold some of the greatest potential for positivity and change. Crafting our soles from the ground-down tires of tens of thousands of vehicles and diverting them from landfill or highly toxic incineration, we address negative issues with positive solutions. We see opportunity in the simplicity of an altered perspective.
That is why Indosole has created its Groms & Toddlers range, a selection of versatile flip flops that will support your kids through every footstep. We want to inspire the next generation, both in the places they explore and the awareness they develop.
With superb arch support, durable, waterproof construction and a rainbow of color choices to match their personalities, our flip-flops allow your children to run free and explore the world from city to sand, and help to build a brighter, cleaner world for them to thrive in. Denis Waitley once stated that “the greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence”. Ecologically manufactured and designed for life’s many adventures, our Groms & Toddlers range is the culmination of this philosophy.
With innocent enthusiasm, the future can become a radiant destination of endless potential. The juvenile mind sees a world of idealism, a multicolored place of black and white solutions, of rights and wrongs and no grays in between. This clarity nurtures new solutions, a mindset in which ideas thrive, change begins, and potential awaits.
The naïveté of youth is an innocence that we should foster and nurture as much as possible. Because in those innocent eyes lies the potential for a beautiful tomorrow.
It’s a great, wide world that unfolds beneath our first, tentative steps; a world of wonder, of possibility, of hope.
Shop our Groms and Toddlers Collection

The Most ECOnomical flip flop in the world is now available!
Indosole is enthused to release ESSNTLS, the footwear collection that will form part of the next generation of environmental solutions. ESSNTLS represents the second stage of Indosole’s mission to become the most responsible footwear company in the world.
ENVIRONMENTAL INNOVATORSWe dedicated the last 10 years to being the environmental keepers of the future. We merged artisan skill with corrective impact, developing a laborious shoemaking process that transforms tires to soles by hand.
Through this analog technology and circular thinking we were able to save over 80K+ tires from landfills but looking at the exponential rate of industrial world waste, we realized we had to up our game. We set out to prevent the environmental hiccup of the future. A breakthrough technology was needed that could address mass scale. Indosole aspired to double growth while significantly reducing global negative impact.
INDOSOLE GETS SETT® (SOLE ENGINEERED TIRE TECHNOLOGY)We set aside a whole year for deep R&D, investigating how to best advance the circular economy through footwear. Nature is a zero-waste, non-polluting system and Indosole benchmarked the same. Mimicking nature, our lab scientists experimented with destroying the existing tire to rebuild the rubber from scratch. Through this process our lab researchers discovered our own Sole Engineered Tire Technology (SETT®) which pulverizes the tire into a fine powder and resets it with natural and recycled rubber. This malleable tire gel is set to revolutionize the footwear industry by maximizing the volume of recycled rubber that contributes to pollution elimination.
THE ESSNTLS COLLECTIONAbsolute Transparency: The ESSNTLS line is based around our new SETT® production, meaning there is no waste by-product. While the artisan process is efficient, minimal tire scraps are produced when cut by hand. With SETT® manufacturing every part of the tire is condensed and remolded into a shoe sole. As landfill guardians we track each step of our production process to be the greenest and the cleanest.
Mass Impact: Mass production is infamous for generating profit in lieu of concern. ESSNTLS has reworked this concept to create massive positive impact. Our Sole Engineered Tire Technology proves that volume can be part of long-term sustainability. In full-swing production Indosole can now save over 1.5K tires a day, meaning that long term relationships with distributors can make an exponential reduction to landfill waste. Our process is quantifiable, which means that we pass environmental ownership and transparency along the supply chain.
The Universal Flip flop: Environmentalism isn’t for the elite. We’ve taken the universal appeal of the flip flop and made it easy on the environment, without the usual cost prohibitions. We speak to the laid-back lifestyle of the younger generation, helping them make the seamless shift towards the conscious consumption. In tandem we can shape the shopping patterns of future generations. As the world’s most ECO-nomical flip flop, ESSNTLS makes taking back the environment easy for any age or demographic.
ESSNTLS MOVEMENTThe ESSNTLS brand speaks for itself, we’ve trimmed off superfluous vowels to make a minimalist statement. We want to turn this approach into a global movement, where we reframe efficiency as smart thinking that eliminates fuss and waste.
Indosole launches the ESSNTLS collection as a new approach to environmental ownership, where being environmentally responsible is as chill and accessible as the way you wander in the world. Get SETT® to reimagine the future.
We're on T.V! Hi Mom!
Thank you to the KTVU 2 news team for featuring The Church of Surf! New shop breathes life into San Francisco's Outer Sunset
Flip flops
#kaipaulontour Journal #2 - The Process
kaipaulontour Journal #2 - The Process
Coming back to Bali there were a couple missions to complete. #1 surf. #2 Surf. #3 Party...haha. No seriously, the top of the list was to make developments in the product and the processes that go into making the product. We have a huge spring planned both in product launches and in delivering the most amount of shoes and sandals to retail in the history of Indosole. Production needs to be efficient and on time. There lies my ulitimate mission: deliver. Ok, pressure is on right? Yes, but what I have found is that our foundation has been set so solidly here in Bali with the people we are working with and the suppliers we have established, that it has been easy to make little tweaks here and there to enable a growth period for Indosole and really rev up and fine tune the Indosole cycle. It has been a pleasure to get to know and work with our staff here in Bali, special shout outs to Nana and Pak Eddy! Yes, surfing happens, and very thankful that it does, but the real joy and sense of accomplishment has been in continuing to progress this thing we affectionately call Indosole. - KP
Flip flops
Back in stock - Let the Fall and Holiday sales ROCKThis past summer season had exceeded our expectations in many ways here at Indosole. Due to an overwhelming amount of LOVE from our loyal customers and new fans, Indo's of most colors/sizes/flavors were shipped all over the place....leaving our inventory quite thin.The drought is over and we are back in stock!Many thanks to those who bought our products and have patiently awaited our most recent shipment. If you haven't received your new Indo's yet, they are coming very soon!
Flip flops
#needsole Instragram Contest with Honest Tea
INSTAGRAM CONTEST #needsole @indosole @honestbeverages Details: Honest Tea and Indosole come together on Instagram to replace your shoes and keep yourefreshed responsibly. To enter the contest, Instagram followers must take a creative picture of theirshoes that need replacing and include a bottle of Honest Tea within the shot. One lucky winner willreceive a pair of Indosole shoes on Honest Tea along with a months supply of Honest Tea.From Tuesday, October 2nd through Saturday October 27th, Honest Tea and Indosole will jointly createand retweet each others tweets using the unique hashtag on Instagram/Twitter to invite followersinto dialogue. Tweets will be scheduled in advance on the following timeline below. Participants arewelcome to enter max once each day.GOOD LUCK!
Flip flops
#kaipaulontour Journal #1
#kaipaulontour Journal #1
It has been too long since I was last in Bali, and it's nice to be back on the isle of the gods. Waking up early and seeing the sun shine over the water, boats, rice fields, banana and palm trees, and the panjars that are up on the streets due to the recent holiday celebrations have been both inspiring and comforting. This is the land where I was born and have spent 15 years of my life. This is the land that formed a young California red-headed, freckled kid and took me in as one of their own and continues to show me love. Bali is the land that supports Indosole, and in turn we do all that we can to show our love and support back to Bali. I will be here for some time growing and developing our product. I will keep you updated on travels, everyday life, surf, the ways of Bali, and the processes of Indosole. Stay tuned...
Terimah Kasih Banyak, dan sampai jumpa lagi.