WATCH: 'Redesigning Our Consumer Habits'

WATCH: 'Redesigning Our Consumer Habits'

Kyle Parsons at TEDxUbud 2016

The wait is over! We are happy to finally share the video of Indosole founder Kyle Parsons at TEDxUbud 2016. It was quite the event, held within the stunning grounds of Fivelements Bali. The committee had gone to great lengths to put on a zero waste event (no plastic water...

Take Part In Plastic-Free July Reading WATCH: 'Redesigning Our Consumer Habits' 3 minutes Next Improving Health & Well Being Through SurfAid

Kyle Parsons at TEDxUbud
The wait is over! We are happy to finally share the video of Indosole founder Kyle Parsons at TEDxUbud 2016. It was quite the event, held within the stunning grounds of Fivelements Bali. The committee had gone to great lengths to put on a zero waste event (no plastic water bottles, plates made from compostable coconut leaves, etc.) and audience members were shuttled to the venue in buses fueled by used cooking oil (courtesy of GS Bio Bus--also speakers this year). Interest grew to the point that a simulcast was arranged at a separate location.

Those who were able to attend the event or tune in from around the world via live stream gave us such positive feedback, and we hope you'll enjoy the talk as much as they did! Click here to watch Kyle Parsons' talk Redesigning Our Consumer Habits.

If you agree that conscious consumerism is an idea worth sharing, please tell your friends, family, coworkers, and community about this talk. As a little added incentive, we are doing a contest on Facebook. All you have to do is watch the video and answer three easy questions for a chance to win signature Indosole tire soled sandals or discounts on!

Kyle Parsons and family at TEDxUbud
We would like to say THANK YOU to the brands who generously provided rad recycled and upcycled products for Kyle to bring onstage: ShwoodOuterknownGreen GuruOSOMMafia Bags, Waste to Waves - Sustainable Surf, and Bureo. You can find more info on these progressive brands in our previous blog post.

Thank you also to the inspiring organization 5 Gyres and the talented photographers Jason Childs and Edward Burtynsky for letting us dig into their photo archives so we could have visuals that conveyed the urgency we feel about the environment and human health. Thanks also to the TEDxUbud team for all their hard work and advice, Heather Box for her coaching skills, Indosole friends and fans for the constant love and support, and everyone who was kind enough to dispense their wisdom prior to the event, including Guy Kawasaki.Kyle Parsons at TEDxUbud 2016
Lastly, here is a quick Q&A we did with Kyle post-talk. Read on to find out more about his thoughts on the day!

What was the hardest thing about preparing for this talk?
KP: The hardest part was creating the content. We wanted to create a story that was compelling, entertaining, and could relate to people of all ages. We decided to break it up into subjects: conscious consumer based products, plastic pollution, tire pollution, and lastly, three easy steps that ANYONE can put into action in their daily life.

If you had to choose just one takeaway from your talk, what would it be?
KP: Surprisingly, I found that giving a TEDx talk was a very emotional experience. I seriously felt every kind of emotion--excitement, nervousness, anxiousness, and finally being very content and riding a high! It was an uplifting experience while at the same time very humbling. Additionally, it was nice to feel a connection to the other speakers and performers as we all rode the emotional roller coaster that day.

As an audience member, which talk at TEDxUbud 2016 hit home for you personally?
KP: Based on my interests and profession I was really excited to hear Emily Penn's talk. She delivered a great story. I also was inspired by the crew at Bio Bus and what they have created for Bali.

Emily Penn at TEDxUbud
Emily Penn at TEDxUbud 2016

Photos by Timur Angin and Viktor Prushenov

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