Indosole Blog & News

Earth Day
Happy Earth Day - Indosole
Celebrate Earth Day with Indosole! Discover our commitment to reducing our environmental footprint and shaping a sustainable future. This year, we're excited to team up with incredible partners to embark on a creative journey that makes a positive impact. Explore our collection of recycled sandals and footwear!

Thanks 2017 - Bring it on 2018
On January 01, 2017 we awoke with a realization that Indosole needed a face lift, a brand elevation, a breath of fresh air if you will. So, we decided to slow down and take a look around by analyzing the market and what the average consumer actually wants in year 2017.
What we found was that sustainable fashion and vegan goods are getting popular, very popular. But we also found that people do not necessarily want to step outside their comfort zone unless they can perceive a real value and style upgrade along the way to justify spending hard earned money. Well, truthfully we have observed this dilemma for years. So, we decided we needed to shock the system, dig deep, and conceptualize a new product that would have us continue to raise the bar in our market while offering our customer a comfortable, affordable, and easy product they can relate to in their everyday lives. We wanted to create a legacy product for our brand and also for the future of the conscious footwear market.
The idea for “The most ECOnomical Flip Flop in the world” shone through when we decided on our new product, The ESSNTLS. However daunting, we looked down the barrel of 8 months of hard work to get this product to market, but knew that it would be well worth it if we could check all the boxes and follow our brand ethos of responsible sourcing and manufacturing along the way. Holding this commitment kept us faithful through the slogging months and had us believe that the ESSNTLS will be special and will positively influence our industry and world.
We followed a 3 phase process to take: Concept - To Action - To Your Feet:
Here we are at the end of 2017 having worked nearly a FULL year on this product. ESSNTLS have been on the market for 3 full months and the response has been phenomenal as we begin the next phase. We have some exciting announcements coming soon!
What is the next phase you may ask??! EXECUTION in 2018 is our answer. For us, you, Indonesia, and the rest of the world.
Thanks for your support in 2017 and enjoy our highlight photos from this past year:
The Indosole Crew

Indosole & The Slow present Reverberation Radio May 27th
The Slow and Indosole are teaming up for a family affair on the 27th of May together with the boys of Reverberation Radio, joining us all the way from LA to play an all vinyl set! After their stop at Coachella and backing up Beck, they’re on their first Asia tour and are hitting up Canggu in Bali for a quick stint at The Slow.
Indosole presents: “The Essentials”On this night we are proud to launch our new handcrafted line called “ The Essentials” which is the first of it’s kind - sustainable, all natural rubber footbeds produced here in Indonesia with our signature tire soles and in a full range of kolours representing elements we want to protect.
Reverberation Radio Formed by Los Angeles band Allah-Las and friends, Reverberation Radio has grown into a much-loved online institution. Their weekly podcast serves up an illuminative, heart-warming and enchanting selection of lost-gem tracks. They encourage listeners to discover new artists and expand their understanding of how music from each decade is intertwined, revolving, and relative.
The SlowThe Slow is a multifaceted island stay, incorporating boutique accommodation, all-day dining and specialty signature batched drinks, art, local, culture, and interactive retail, this all set on the coast of Canggu, Bali. A stay at The Slow is an immersive experience. Designed and curated by George Gorrow, the eclectic space gravitates around Gorrow’s personal art collection. The restaurant Eat & Drink by chef Shannon Moran is already listed as one of Bali's top 10 restaurants.
We are stoked to celebrate this night with our closest of Bali friends, the ones who make it happen here, the ones we love and the ones we love to have a good time with. RSVP here! Free house pour wine and beer from 7-8pm and 2 for 1 Sid’s boozy infusions from 8-9pm and nothing but good times.
Reverberation RadioWEBSITE:

Beach Shoes
Here's to the Indo Mom's
With Mother's Day around the corner, we thought we'd honor and celebrate some of our favorite Mom’s in the world - the Indo Crew Mom’s! We all had amazing childhoods, growing up all over the globe and decided to do some digging up of our fondest memories.
All these years and a few better haircuts later, we would like to do a shout out to the most beautiful women in our lives. There’s no way we’d be where we are today without the love and support of these rockstars.
So here’s to you Moms, thank you for dealing with all our crazy shenanigans, being the magical key to our success and simply who we have become today.
Happy Mother’s day! We love you.
Kyle: "My Mom's Italian roots, smile, humor and love for adventure lives on! Thanks for making me who I am mom."
Kai: “From the beginning - life in Indonesia with My mom was filled with fun times, birthday cakes, Orangutans, and an occasional Nasi Goreng :)."
Chris: “You have always been there for me and have always allowed me to be me! I love you so much!”
Micah: “Moving from sunny Miami to rainy Amsterdam together, to me now running off to Bali. We’ve come such a long way! You’re a total powerhouse, such an inspiration and I love you so much.”
Killian: "Thanks mum, for always keeping my head above water!"
Flip flops
#kaipaulontour Journal #2 - The Process
kaipaulontour Journal #2 - The Process
Coming back to Bali there were a couple missions to complete. #1 surf. #2 Surf. #3 Party...haha. No seriously, the top of the list was to make developments in the product and the processes that go into making the product. We have a huge spring planned both in product launches and in delivering the most amount of shoes and sandals to retail in the history of Indosole. Production needs to be efficient and on time. There lies my ulitimate mission: deliver. Ok, pressure is on right? Yes, but what I have found is that our foundation has been set so solidly here in Bali with the people we are working with and the suppliers we have established, that it has been easy to make little tweaks here and there to enable a growth period for Indosole and really rev up and fine tune the Indosole cycle. It has been a pleasure to get to know and work with our staff here in Bali, special shout outs to Nana and Pak Eddy! Yes, surfing happens, and very thankful that it does, but the real joy and sense of accomplishment has been in continuing to progress this thing we affectionately call Indosole. - KP
Recent Media Hits
Indosole in the NewsRecently, we have gotten some nice press from the media and feel honored to receive mention from both Forbes and ON LOGO TO VIEW THE ARTICLES:
Thanks for reading, thanks for the support!
Flip flops
Back in stock - Let the Fall and Holiday sales ROCKThis past summer season had exceeded our expectations in many ways here at Indosole. Due to an overwhelming amount of LOVE from our loyal customers and new fans, Indo's of most colors/sizes/flavors were shipped all over the place....leaving our inventory quite thin.The drought is over and we are back in stock!Many thanks to those who bought our products and have patiently awaited our most recent shipment. If you haven't received your new Indo's yet, they are coming very soon!
Flip flops
#needsole Instragram Contest with Honest Tea
INSTAGRAM CONTEST #needsole @indosole @honestbeverages Details: Honest Tea and Indosole come together on Instagram to replace your shoes and keep yourefreshed responsibly. To enter the contest, Instagram followers must take a creative picture of theirshoes that need replacing and include a bottle of Honest Tea within the shot. One lucky winner willreceive a pair of Indosole shoes on Honest Tea along with a months supply of Honest Tea.From Tuesday, October 2nd through Saturday October 27th, Honest Tea and Indosole will jointly createand retweet each others tweets using the unique hashtag on Instagram/Twitter to invite followersinto dialogue. Tweets will be scheduled in advance on the following timeline below. Participants arewelcome to enter max once each day.GOOD LUCK!
Flip flops
#kaipaulontour Journal #1
#kaipaulontour Journal #1
It has been too long since I was last in Bali, and it's nice to be back on the isle of the gods. Waking up early and seeing the sun shine over the water, boats, rice fields, banana and palm trees, and the panjars that are up on the streets due to the recent holiday celebrations have been both inspiring and comforting. This is the land where I was born and have spent 15 years of my life. This is the land that formed a young California red-headed, freckled kid and took me in as one of their own and continues to show me love. Bali is the land that supports Indosole, and in turn we do all that we can to show our love and support back to Bali. I will be here for some time growing and developing our product. I will keep you updated on travels, everyday life, surf, the ways of Bali, and the processes of Indosole. Stay tuned...
Terimah Kasih Banyak, dan sampai jumpa lagi.