Indosole Blog & News
Bantar Gebang
The holiday season is in full effect. Seems that all of us at the office are jazzed about the Holiday Party invites on the bulletin board. However, I recently came across an archived article that has allowed me to feel especially grateful for my life during this holiday season. My job is rewarding, my friends and family are supportive while also providing daily stoke and there's a roof over my head at night. This article dates back to late September 2011 so it's still very accurate for the current times at Bantar Gebang, the largest Indonesian landfill. ( READ HERE ) Be thankful for the life you live and live the life you love.Photography: Javad Tizmaghz
Guardians of the Forests
Guardians of the Forests"Large scale conversion of forests to other purposes has failed to promote local people's prosperity. On the other hand, the indigenous people have proven that they are the real guardians of Indonesia's rain forests. It is time for the state to return full rights to the indigenous people to manage forests, not just for their own sustainable benefits, but for the rescue of the entire planet."
Working with our Hands
Workshop ToolsWe've been quite busy lately with a couple projects. Although the extreme heat wave in Bali is putting everyone in the doldrums, we're pressing on. Project completion will soon be displayed.
Jakarta landfill
Living in a Wasteland
Living in a WastelandThis vid is a representation of why we begun our initiative to resurrect waste in Indonesia while providing fair trade jobs to locals. Let this be a catalyst for others to contribute their knowledge and physical will power so all global communities have a chance to live and work in humane conditions.
Travel Guide to S.F.
IndoSole featured guest @ MuchBetterAdventures.comWe get really stoked when unknown individuals reach out to us. After routinely blasting through the morning mailbox a few weeks ago, I came across an email from a kool kat by the name of Sam Bruce. He went on to introduce himself along with Much Better Adventures, the online community he founded a couple years ago. Through his supportive words, I could feel his encouragement for IndoSole to keep pursuing its mission. He wanted us to somehow get involved with his community of awesomeness and after acknowledging their commitment for travelers to have an interactive, local perspective to new destinations, my cards were all in. Please check their site out ( and scan through their integrative pages....some great material no joke.Since San Francisco is my home for the autumn months, I thought maybe it would be a swell idea to write a travel guide to the world's most progressive city. There was one parameter that Mr. Bruce through out at me. He told me that there needed to be focused outdoor activity included in the city guide. Well....wasn't a tough decision. click on link to read : {TRAVEL GUIDE to SAN FRANCISCO}. IndoSole definitely plans on contributing more material for Much Better Adventures so stay tuned.
Warmth that Coexists with NatureLast weekend, the IndoSole crew assembled their biannual booth at Green Fest San Francisco. This is an event that we anxiously await because it gives us the opportunity to connect with a community who advocate for sustainable progression in all our daily life actions -- from the subsistence we eat and drink, the construction and amenities of our homes and finally the garments we choose to wear.One brand that made a great impression on me was Manastash. Surprisingly, the inception for the company was in 1994 so I was perplexed why I had not seen more collections from Manastash before. After talking a bit with Robert Jungmann, the founder, he implied that Manastash is well recognized in Japan and has a tight following in the States. The mapping for design and construction of their outwear is classic yet has the addition of some tasteful flare. The choice of colors and paneling of patterns will undoubtedly leave you admiring the product. Although the product aesthetics are completely dialed, the materials going into each Manastash product is the backbone of the company. Jungmann was a pioneer in the yearly 90s with the use of hemp and he continues to be visionary as a proponent to get the entire U.S. population in a hemp tee-shirt by 2020. Yew!"Manastash is loved by many young people for its comfortable-to-wear clothing in natural fabrics, such as hamp and in the fashionable style that goes out of the conventional limit of what outdoor clothing can offer. It takes the lead in green action by using recycled plastics in the garments made with nylons and fleeces as much as possible. Trying to coexist and enjoy what the Mother Earth has to offer, without having to cause destruction..Clothing of Manastash gets the subtle but most definite messages across to all the nature-loving people."- J.U.
DOES HE AGE?The completion of seven Earth axis rotations has occurred since Nov 1, 2011. As I recollect on the murmurous skepticism toward the ASP Rip Curl Pro Search that diffused through San Francisco months prior to the event, I contrast the pessimism against the actuality that the Pro Search San Francisco was indeed a pleasure to watch. The swell and, more so, the autumn offshore winds that cleaned up OB to its perfection on the dates of Nov. 1 & Nov.2 enabled Bay Area surf advocates realize that our shifty {backwash slop} is not a close out wave after all..... Hopeless sections that drop out into perilous foam explosions were concluded with the sights of a few pinching out of the dark unknowns.YEP. HUMANOID SLATERKelly, congratulation on #11.Mega thanks for the local SF surf community for hosting some rad festivities this past week.
Intern Wanted
INTERNSHIP POSITIONIndosole, LLC is hiring interns for the fall and winter season. We are a young footwear company based out of San Francisco with manufacturing and distribution in Bali, Indonesia. Our ideal candidate is a current student, energetic, and passionate to get involved with a start-up company. This internship is best suited for someone who is looking to fulfill school credits or build up a resume with some valuable experience in the action sports and fashion world. Must live in San Francisco Age 23 or younger male or female Proficient in the following Social Media, Blogging, PR Bonus talents: SEO for websites, Video and Photography, MerchandisingPlease contact to apply and we will contact you for an interview